*Please note this debugger is not affiliated with the heap analytics product

There are lots of tests that need to be done for coding projects. Whenever there’s a deployment there’s always the fear of whether a regression happens. While testing on your browser can ensure that the user experience has not been harmed, there’s also the behind the scenes scenarios that do not impact the user but will harm the business. Gathering analytical data is a key example.

Going all the way to the dashboard can be a real pain. What’s more it usually takes a few minutes for the data to come in, and then you have to shift through all the data.

You can test whether a request has been made to heap analytics. However, finding the data you want in the request isn’t easy, and the information in the request can be cryptic as well.

The Heap Analytics Debugger makes ensuring that the correct data is getting sent to heap analytic data simple and easy.

The Heap Analytics Debugger logs every time a request is made to heap analytics. It logs the following information:

User information including the identity and user property. The identity is logged on every request. User properties are logged when user properties have been added to the user. While this is often done with the heap API heap.addUserProperties, there are scenarios where heap will add user properties for you. Event information including the name of the event and its properties. Download for free today here

Any questions, feel free to reach out to ericson.michael.j@gmail.com.

Features to Implement in the future

  • Allow toggle to log both custom API events and events heap tracks
  • Distinguish between when Heap is creating user properties or event properties and when the developer is creating these properties
  • Set ability to make heap analytics extension its own tab
  • Add extension for other browsers

Got an idea for a feature?

Add it as an issue on github or go to support.